Soek jy na 'n skool wat jou kind se belange EERSTE stel? Are you looking for a school that will put your child's interests FIRST?
Welkom by die Shiloh3 familie, 'n plek waar kinders se natuurlike nuuskierigheid en verbeelding lei tot ondersoeke en gevolgtrekkings. Ons maak die leerproses lewendig deur ons Breinlyn/Caps geintegreerde kurrikulum asook ons remedierende onderrigstelsel. Deurlopende toetsing en assessering vind gereeld plaas en ons help elke leerders om op sy of haar eie pas te ontwikkel deur positiewe aanmoediging.
Welcome to the Shiloh3 family, a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery. Learning is brought to life by our Brainline /CAPS integrated curriculum as well as remedial teaching. We test and assess continously and help each learner to develop at his or her own pace through positive reinforcement.
ROBOTIKA Inskrywingsvorm - laai hier af! ROBOTICS Registration form -…
Gr R & Gr 1 Skoolure | School hours
Gr 2 & Gr 3 Skoolure | School hours
Gr 4 - 12 / 8 Skoolure | School hours
Tina Cowley | Ekstra Wisk | Extra Math | Robotica
Tina Cowley | Ekstra Wisk | Extra Math | Robotica
Naskool | After school care
Leerders | Learners Gr R-12